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February 20 @ 11:00 am - 2:30 pm EST

Dixie Crossroads (Refuge Room),
1475 Garden St, Titusville, FL 32796


Cost: $15 (includes Cornell Labs Waterfowl ID Series Set of 3 Folding Guides. Retail value $24). Participants will pay for their own lunch. Limited to 24 participants.  Register here.

Merritt Island NWR is an important migration and wintering site for many species of waterfowl.  Come learn about the ducks, geese, and other swimming birds that use the refuge for part or all of the year.  Dee and David Simpson will share their pictures and give you tips and tricks on identification, and help you learn more about how waterfowl utilize the Refuge and its many wetland habitats. Afterward, we will visit some sites to put into practice some of what you learned in class.

Register here.


February 20
11:00 am - 2:30 pm EST


Dixie Crossroads
1475 Garden St
Titusville, FL 32796 United States
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